Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Revenge, Justice, Mercy and Grace

[Disclaimer - this blog entry is about the Christian doctrine of grace]

I heard an illustration by Pastor Doyle today which contrasted these four ideas. I thought it was very powerful.

Suppose a man breaks into your home and brutally murders your only son. Your response can fall into these categories.

You hunt him down in anger and brutally murder him, inflicting the exact pain he caused your son.  This is Revenge.

You hunt him down, but once apprehended you turn him over to the authorities for punishment. Once pronounced guilty, he is executed according to the law.  This is Justice.

You hunt him down, this time you forgive him and leave him to live in his guilt and shame.  This is Mercy.

As before, you hunt this man down, and having detained him you extend forgiveness, but this time you invite him into your home to live in your son's bedroom, take his place at your table, and become your legal heir.  You love him as an adopted son and he is called by your name.  This is Grace.

The point drives home for me when I think of myself as the brutal murderer.  It's easy to think of oneself as the victim - the one extending forgiveness - but in God's sight we are all offenders differing only in degrees.

Romans 3:22-24

So, it is God who extends grace to us through his Son, Jesus - He is the only one who has the right to.

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